This set of options allows you to set specific behaviours on Interactions as well as do some limited styling.
Table of Contents |
The following options can be set in this window.
Note: All options set here affect the specific Interaction and only that Interaction.
These options govern the way the Interaction is set up and arranged.
The internal name of the Interaction.
Display Name
The name displayed in the Title Bar when the window is opened.
A one line description to assist the userBrief description of the purpose of this item..
How the Interaction is arranged with respect to any other Interactions.
Whether the Interaction is ‘active’ (used) or ‘inactive (unused)
Whether the Interaction is shown to the users or not. Some Interactions are ‘hidden’ from the user as they function as backend processors.
Help Message
Look & Feel
These options control how the Interaction looks and behaves. Use CSS when prompted without tags.
This is the Image used to represent the Interaction in the answerSpace.
Logo Banner
When the Interaction is displayed, this is the banner shown in the Header.
Odd Row Style
If the Interaction returns rows of results (such as in a Scrape or a Form View listing), then this controls how odd rows (the first, third, fifth etc.) are displayed, provided the contained Interactions have been set up to be displayed in List View. (See “AnswerSpace Options” for more details or “Styling Your answerSpace”).
Exceptions to this are margin and padding css.
Even Row Style
See above.
Background Style
Will affect the background colour of the box within the answerSpace upon which the Interactions are displayed - NOT the background colour of the Interaction Page. This can be overridden at a lower level, provided ‘Inherit’ has not been turned on. (See “Styling Your answerSpace” for more details).
Interface Style
Affects the background of the Interaction display.
Input Prompt Style
Any input prompts can be styled here.
Interaction Behaviour
This set of options control how Interactions behave within the contained Interaction.
Input Display
Screen or List
Either ‘message’, ‘hyperlink’, mADL code’ or xslt’. The type ‘form’ is a system generated type and should not be manually used.
Message Options:
- Use HTML tags or plain text.
Hyperlink options:
- Type in the path to the external link, or the Interaction name if an internal link.
- Target: Define how the link behaves when clicked.