Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This step is where you configure the basic look and feel of your form. You can choose a different Look and Feel for each Form Type. For example,  a user who is just entering data gets a different Heading than one that is viewing a list of entered data.

Image Added

You can input a custom:

  • Header in the Header section of the form. This is distinct from a Heading, which was entered (if desired) in Step 3.
  • Footer that appears on all forms based upon this one. For example, the View Form or the List Form.
  • Label Placement, which will form the default for all field labels in your form, but will not override any specific field settings.
  • Date and Time formats.

Once you have complete entering in any definitions in this screen, click ‘Next Step’ to move onto Step 5.