Using Conditional Logic to display or hide fields and subforms is a common way to only display contextual information to your users.
Conditional logic allows you to show or hide a field based on what users select for another field on a form. For example, you might have a field asking users "How would you rate the service we offered?" If a user selects "Poor", you would display an additional comments field, asking the user why they thought service was poor.
Conditional logic options can applied to every form field, including subforms.
To add conditional behaviours, edit the form field and click on the "Use Conditional Logic" button.
How to use conditional logic click this button
Once clicked, a new set of options will be available for you to use. Choose the appropriate logic for your needs - you can add multiple conditional behaviours as necessary for your application.
Adding conditional logic to a form field
Tip |
Be mindful of the effects of conditional behaviour and the logic you are adding to the form using conditional behaviours. If the logic is not properly thought out, your form may exhibit unexpected behaviour. |