Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Next we need to create a build.json file. This file will include the operating system specific settings that the BuildBots Buildbots will use to produce your app.


Code Block
    "android": {
        "release": {
            "keystore": "myCordovaApp.jks",
            "storePassword": "",
            "alias": "myCordovaAppName",
            "password" : "",
            "keystoreType": ""
Note: This example shows Android only, however you can include multiple operating systems within the one build.json, simply by adding "ios" or "windows" to the JSON structure, and following the appropriate steps in this tutorial for those operating systems.

Download build.json

Alternatively, you can download an example build.json file here:

Download Android Example build.json

Description of Values


The password fields are intentionally left blank - for added security, you'll be prompted for these when running the build request. The only fields you'll need to enter are:


Note: For developers used to building Cordova apps, you'll notice we haven't included section for "debug" details in the build.json. These are generated automatically for you by the BuildBotsBuildbots, so there is no need to include them here.

Next Step



Adding Build your Cordova Pluginsapp