PHP: Download PHP SDK

PHP: Download PHP SDK

The PHP SDK contains three files:

  1. Config.class.php
  2. Analytics.class.php
  3. readme.txt


You can download the most current SDK version here:

BlinkMobile Analytics PHP SDK.zip


To download older versions of the SDK: 

Older SDK versions


Once you've downloaded the SDK, unzip the file onto your computer and follow the steps below to implement these on the Blink Mobility Platform:



The Config file will contain your API key pairs. You will need to update this file with your own details. To do so, open it up in a text editor.

You will see code similar to the code below:


Configuration Class Code
    //data collection key
    public static $ANALYTICS_COLLECTOR = array(

    //data reporting, query building key
    public static $ANALYTICS_ANALYST = array(

    public static $CONTACT_EMAIL = "#YOUR-EMAIL-HERE#";


  1. Replace the #COLLECTOR_ACCESS_KEY# and the #COLLECTOR_SECRET_KEY# with the Collector API access and secret key we've provided.
  2. Replace the #ANALYST_ACCESS_KEY# and the #ANALYST_SECRET_KEY# with the Analyst API access and secret key we've provided.
  3. If you wish to use the built-in error checking method, then add your email address into the Contact Email line.


Upload to Blink Mobility Platform:

Once you have entered your details, to upload this class file to the Blink Mobility Platform you will need to:

  1. Login to you BlinkMobile answerSpace administration area
  2. Create a new MADL interaction, and name it: Config.class.php
    (note the capital C)
  3. Save your interaction. 




You don't need to modify this file.

Upload to Blink Mobility Platform:

To upload this class file to the Blink Mobility Platform you will need to:

  1. Login to you BlinkMobile answerSpace administration area
  2. Create a new MADL interaction, and name it: Analytics.class.php
    (note the capital A)
  3. Save your interaction. 



This file just contains a link to this documentation. You do not need to upload this file to your answerSpace.


Next Steps:

PHP: Usage and Code Examples


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