2.2 - Platform Components
Platform Components:
As described in the previous lesson, the Blink Mobility Platform is a set of micro-services that can be used either individually or together, to shorten development and deployment timeframes, remove risk and increase predictability in creating solutions.
For clarity as to the purpose of each service they’re arranged into families of services that together aim to provide value to a particular aspect of the solution development and deployment lifecycle. These service families are described in the diagram below:
The services in each family and what each service does is described below.
Hosted Gitlab
Gitlab’s comprehensive set of code management tools for modern developers, hosted and managed securely by BlinkMobile
Authentication CLI
Single sign-on to access 100% of services provided on the Blink Mobility Platform.
Enterprise Forms Builder
Build sophisticated offline-capable, client-side forms-based apps and their supporting workflows, that use advanced device features using either low-code or file-based tools. Integrates HTML output into various frameworks including Angular.
App Templates & App Solution Templates
‘Ready-to-go’ App containers and sample solutions that can form the starting point for projects, or for delivering quick prototypes and minimum viable products (MVP). Other vendors might call these “accelerators”.
Solution Portal
Manage and monitor your various client-side projects and APIs from a single administration view
Cloud-based device testing service (3rd Party)
Test your apps on a vast pool of real devices using a cloud-based service
Client Deploy:
Web App Deploy CLI
Simply deploy any web app project for hosting in BlinkMobile’s managed, fault-tolerant, auto-scaling, supported infrastructure
Hybrid App Buildbot CLI
Transform your web app project into a native app on iOS, Android and Windows through a simple command line interface, and keep it “evergreen” using the Evergreen Deploy Service
Evergreen Deploy Service
Make changes to your native apps without the need to rebuild or redistribute the apps
Curated Cordova Plug-ins
Confidently include Cordova Plug-ins in your apps to provide specific native device functionality knowing we’ve tested and will support them
API Deploy & Integration:
Server API Deploy CLI - PHP
Deploy PHP APIs to be hosted in BlinkMobile’s API Hosting Service through a simple command line interface.
Server API Deploy CLI - Node.js
Deploy Node.js APIs to be hosted in BlinkMobile’s API Hosting Service through a simple command line interface.
API Monitoring Dashboards (server analytics)
Gain insight into the use of your Server APIs through individually configurable analytics dashboards
Jitterbit Harmony integration services
Integration into corporate IT systems made intuitive
MBaaS & Analytics:
mBaaS Utility Services
Build client-side apps rapidly by putting common services in the Cloud and focusing your app on the client side activity and the user experience
Current and planned supported mBaaS utility services (each delivered as a self-contained micro-service are:
User Authentication
PDF Generation
Email notifications
In-app notifications
SMS notifications
Location services
Analytics Services
Gain actionable insights into your solution performance.
Out-of-the-box and custom analytics collectors driven by an Analytics API to gather operational data from your solutions and marshall the data into managed analytics databases.
Create and store queries into the data.
Visualise the data using personalised, individually configurable analytics dashboards.
Context & IoT:
Context and Event Driven Services
Create event-driven and context-aware apps by harnessing proximity, location and IoT
A set of micro-services and widgets that make it easy to engage with IoT, proximity devices and location information to create solutions that actually solve real business problems.
Publish/subscribe Event Bus
Locator/visualiser service
Things registry/Tags registry and IoT support services
Scenario alerting service
Event workflow handler
Event subscription/de-subscription service
Personalised, event-driven real-time and historical dashboards including IoT visualisation
- Collection management services
2.3 - Underlying Infrastructure - Operations