BMP mADL Sandbox

BMP mADL Sandbox

BMP executes all custom PHP (MADL) code within a sandbox environment for security.

Sandboxing is the practice of running code in a restricted security environment, which limits the access permissions granted to the code. All custom PHP which you include anywhere in your Answerspace runs within this sandbox.

This offers the following benefits:

  • Improved ability to secure the platform
  • Improved ability to provide a uniform environment for your code, whether it is an Interaction or Forms MADL
  • Ability to isolate your code from certain changes within the platform
  • Ability to continue evolving the platform whilst reducing risk to your code
  • Ability to explore future enhancements to the MADL environment


However, not all PHP functions are safe to use within the platform. Blocked functions include:

Blocked Functionality
Example PHP Functions
Operating Systemputenv, getenv
File System Usagefile_get_contents, fgetcsv, ftok, parse_ini_file
Output Bufferflush, ob_start, ob_get_contents, ob_end_clean