The CLI utility allows you access to answerSpace Interactions in the Blink Mobility Platform via a CLI (Command Line Interface) instead of the traditional CMS (Content Management System .
Used as a single developer or in conjunction with GitLab or any other data repository, multiple developers can now collaborate on the same answerSpace.
Once an authorisation token is generated for an answerSpace, the "Deployment Manager" can then manage and deploy versioned code to and from the Blink Mobility Platform.
Even existing answerSpaces can be "Pulled" down via the BMP CLI and shared in a repository for future development amongst developers.
Benefits include:
- Multi-developer workflow
- answerSpace code version control
- Multi platform support
- Central code storage location.
Interactions Only
At this stage the BMP CLI can only be used for Interaction management.
To access BlinkForms you will still need to use the CMS (