Before Starting With BlinkMobile CLI Tools

Before Starting With BlinkMobile CLI Tools

Before using  the CLI Tools, you will first need to download and install Node.js and npm on your local machine.

Minimum requirements for BlinkMobile CLIs are Node.js 4.0 or newer, and npm 3.0 or newer, however it is recommended that users have the latest stable Node.js.


Mac OS

If you don't yet have HomeBrew installation on your Mac, this is one of the easiest ways to install Node and NPM.

Download HomeBrew


Install Node

After installing HomeBrew, you can install Node using the following command:

brew install node



For Windows machine, you can install Node.js/NPM using the official download package:

Download Node.js


Update Node.js

To update Node.js on Windows, there is an easy to use tool here:




Once NPM and NodeJS are installed on your computer you can start to install the CLI Tools.

Next steps: