App Cache Fetcher

App Cache Fetcher

Native app shells can be build from answerSpaces via several methods.

The App Cache Fetcher is a service which can turn any BIC3 (BIC JQM) answerSpace in the BMP into a stand alone Cordova app project.

Now you can have the flexibility to create your custom Cordova app shells and take advantage of all the native Cordova pluginsĀ available.

while still using the BMP for your applications logic , styling and design.

Build once in the BMP and then deploy to many operating systems including

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Blackberry

All code, files, assets are retrieved from the BMP and placed into the www folder of your Cordova project.

You will now have an "Offline First" hybrid app shell and your answerSpace code is stored locally on the device.

mADL interactions and BlinkForms will connect to the BMP when required.


Cordova Hybrid app are not evergreen, any changes made to answerSpaces will require a reload via the App Cache Fetcher and a new app version to be deployed.

For a list of BlinkMobile approved Cordova click here. 

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