Forms CLI Commands

For the Forms CLI, three main commands are used:

bm forms init
bm forms create
bm forms build

This next part of the walkthrough will begin by taking you through the process of initialising your project, before showing you how to create and build your library source. This will be covered by the following steps:

  • Users will create a form definition in our Forms Builder.

  • bm forms init will then be ran, which configures the cli via a series of prompts.

  • bm forms create is ran afterwards.

  • The source for the forms is written to a folder specified when bm forms init is ran. Developers can modify that source if they please.

  • bm forms build builds the final library - This command is ran automatically with bm forms create.

  • Developers then include the library in their own project just as any other 3rd party library.

Next Step

Forms: Init