Managing Plugins

Managing Plugins

The Forms CLI tool uses plugins to handle the transformation of blink forms definitions into your chosen front-end framework language. 

This section of the documentation will serve more as a point of reference, rather than a comprehensive walkthrough. As the Forms CLI is extremely flexible in the way plugins and templates are used and managed, we'll focus on the exisiting default plugins as a point of reference.

At this stage, if you're not using your own custom plugins, you will select which plugin to use when first running the bm forms init command for your project. You can read up on the current Built-In Plugins here.

The plugin that forms builder will use to provide the templates and transformation code lives inside my-project/node_modules.

The plugin is referenced in .blinkmrc.json by name:

  "forms": {
    "definitionSource": "https://blinkm.co/demo",
    "distPath": "my-forms/dist",
    "framework": "@blinkmobile/bm-plugin-forms-angularjs",
    "sourcePath": "my-forms/src",
    "templatePath": "my-forms/templates"

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Built-In Plugins