

Interactions are the building blocks of  an answerSpace. An Interaction is a self-­contained micro-­app which models a single user interaction with any data source.

Interactions are programmed in mADL (PHP) or Xpath and use HTML and/or XSLT to display.

Interactions can be moved and copied between answerSpaces, turned on/off and the navigation changed very easily and without affecting other operations.

Interactions can be tagged in a variety of manners (for navigation, security and context) which can make them act differently depending upon who is using them, where they are, what time it is etc.

You create Interactions through the Interaction Manager, which requires a username and password. You will have been given this when your organisation signed up as a BlinkMobile Interactive Partner.







XSLT interactions combine XSLT with XML (in a data suitcase) to provide offline interactions.

When creating an XSLT interactions you have several parameters


Data Suitcase Type
Input promptUsed to build a user input prompt to the interaction.
Data Suitcase XML

The reference to particular Data Suitcase to be used.

Data Suitcase XSLT The interaction behaviour XSLT definition.