Data Suitcases (MOJO)

Data Suitcases (MOJO)

A Journey Object (MOJO) or now known as Data Suitcase is an XML file stored on the Blinkmobile server. When a MOJO has been transferred to a mobile device it is a Mobile Journey object (MoJO). XSLT code interactions check currency of any required MoJOs It then processes interactions without going beyond the users mobile device. This essentially caches all the required data on the mobile device increasing speed and decreasing data transmission delays.


Data Suitcase General Overview

A Data Suitcase (or Mojo) is simply an XML document. Sometimes, for advanced situations, you may choose to use JSON. For now we'll focus on XML.

Currently, the BMP provides two main automated methods for using Data Suitcase data - to pre populate a single List within a Form, or to pre-populate an entire Blink Form.

The basic steps to using Data Suitcases are:

  1. Generate your XML file (manually, or through a webservice).
  2. Setup a trigger point in your Blink App to download the XML and store it as a Data Suitcase.
  3. Configure your List or Form to use the Data Suitcase as a source.

Questions to ask when designing your Data Suitcase:

  1. How frequently will this data change - daily, weekly, monthly?
  2. How should updates be sent to users? Automatically or manually?

Data Suitcase Currency

Basic-Mode Devices
 Basic-mode devices are not assumed to have sufficient device-side storage. When these devices access an XSLT interaction, only the result of the XSLT is transmitted to the device. As the XSLT is performed entirely on our server, the very latest version of the Data Suitcases is always available.

Advanced-Mode Devices
 Advanced-Mode Devices (and native applications) typically have mechanisms available to store data on the device.
Our platform is designed to allow these devices to function with intermittent or absent network connections.

XML Caveats
Typical Data Suitcases will contain information arranged within a well-formed pre-validated XML string. Here are some tips to avoid unnecessary headaches when working with XML:

  • XML (element) names consist of letters, numbers, underscores (_) and colons ( : ), and should never start with a number. Colons are used to represent namespaces (like the “xsl” namespace we use with XSL), so it is a good idea to avoid colons too.
  • Ampersands & have special meaning at all times in XML documents, so if you wish to include them anywhere in your XML document then you need to encode them as HTML entities (&entityname;). *Angle brackets <> have special meaning at all times in XML documents, so if you wish to include them in your content then you need to encode them as HTML entities.
  • Single-quotes ‘ and double-quotes “ have special meaning depending on where they are used (ie enclosing attribute values). You need to be careful, and you may need to encode them as HTML entities.
  • XML (and therefore XSL and XHTML) never contains tags that are left open. Always remember to close every single tag that you open (<p>text</p>), or use self-closing tags (<br />).
  • You may have to resort to CDATA Sections in order to store unstructured or poorly-formed HTML within an XML document.

Partitioning XML Data

XSLT marries a single XML document with a single XSL document. For the duration of the execution of the XSLT interaction, it is only able to take into account a single XML document and a single XSL document. In practical terms, all information that needs to be queried (via XPath) and displayed in the same Interaction result needs to co-exist in the same XML document.

Taken in reverse, if 2 pieces of information never need to be displayed / queried together, then they do not need to occupy the same XML document. For optimal device performance, we recommend partitioning data into separate XML documents where possible. You can use record IDs to facilitate navigating from one XML document to the relevant section in the next. 

For more technical documentation for Data Suitcases for BIC v2:

Go to https://github.com/blinkmobile/bic-v2/blob/develop/docs/datasuitcases.md


Server-hosted Data Suitcases

This type of Data Suitcase is stored in the BMP database as it is considered ancillary answerSpace configuration material. 
Server-Hosted Data Suitcases are uniquely addressable by combination of answerspace and suitcase name.

It is not currently our design to go to any lengths to protect this Data Suitcase, any device is able to request this data.

Further, this data is provided via an unprotected web service to our advanced-mode client, therefore any person with knowledge of the URL, answerSpace and Suitcase name can access it.

mADL (PHP) Commands include

These commands allow mADL (PHP) Interactions to perform operations on Server-Hosted Data Suitcases. All commands will return a Boolean “false” if they fail. “set...” and “delete...” will return a Boolean “true” upon success, while “get...” will return the requested Suitcase contents if successfully located.

Usage Notes

  • The most common and supported use case is for the $data string to contain well-formed (pre-validated) XML, to serve as input data for a separate XSLT Interaction.
  • If you are not planning to use XSLT Interactions, you may still find these commands useful for a form of persistent (insecure) storage.
  • One answerspace uses these mechanisms to cache the results of fetches, so that content requests do not trigger our server to contact the customer’s website too often (or at all). You could use one Suitcase to store the time of the last fetch, and have Interactions only trigger a fresh fetch once per day, for example.

Personal Data Suitcases

Personal Data Suitcases are embedded in interactions, and are delivered to the user when they visit these interactions. If this is a mADL (PHP) interactions (and it usually will be), then standard PHP and MADL may be used to construct the Suitcase, tailoring the data to the user based on contextual information (account credentials, etc).


As this Suitcase will be transferred via a web service to advanced-mode devices, it is recommended that the answerSpace be set to use SSL at all times. This is especially true if the Suitcase contains confidential information. answerspaces already using our Custom Login system will be able to readily confirm the authentication and authorisation of users prior to building and transmitting the Suitcase. In any case, we recommend that suitable logic be built around Personal Data Suitcases so that they are not generated for anonymous or unauthorised users.

Indeed, as confidential information is not held in our system (by default), this information must be provided by a third-party web service. It is likely, then, that the web service itself will require authentication prior to responding with confidential information (if it is sufficiently designed).

Storage on the Device

For advanced-mode devices, the contents of all Suitcases are stored on the device itself, facilitating offline and/or transmission-free use. No Suitcase is currently compressed or encrypted when stored. At this time we have plans to offer this functionality solely to native applications in a future update.

Disclosure via another answerspace / interaction.

This persistent storage is unfortunately domain-specific (by W3C design). As such, malicious code in one answerspace on blinkm.co may be able to access Suitcases stored on the same device by another answerSpace on blinkm.co. If successful, it is possible to then transmit the Suitcase via JavaScript to any desired destination on the Internet.

There are sufficient limits on this particular vector that make it difficult to perform. Such code would need to know the names of the other answerspace and the target Suitcase. The user would need to authenticate themselves with one answerspace, receive the Suitcase, then visit the malicious answerspace / interaction.

Disclosure via Compromised Device

Suitcases are not encrypted in when stored. A malicious third-party may be able to exploit a flaw in the device’s operating system or browser, or may be able to gain physical access to the device. In either of these cases we cannot trust that the Suitcase was not compromised.

We recommend (but cannot enforce) that users always update their devices with official software from their carrier / manufacturer.

Disclosure via Compromised Server

If a Suitcase is used via a basic-mode device (older browsers, less-powerful devices), then the contents of the Suitcase may be stored on the server in a private session. However unlikely, a malicious attacker with sufficient access to our servers may be able to compromise such a Suitcase.


At this time, the safest Personal Data Suitcases usage is performed via an SSL-only answerSpace running within the native application. Any Suitcase in the advanced-mode web application is not sufficiently partitioned from other answerspaces

If encrypted device-side storage is a requirement for a high-priority project, then we will discuss allocating development resources so that the native application gains sufficient encryption functions.

mADL Commands.

When a user navigates to an interaction containing such a Control Message, an advanced-mode device will perform the desired operation on a Data Suitcase persistently stored on the device. For basic-mode, the server will interpret the Control Message prior to transmitting the Interaction to the device, and the Suitcase will be stored in a private session.

Usage Notes

  • Currently, the only supported use case is for the $xml string to contain well-formed (pre-validated) XML, to serve as input data for a separate XSLT interaction.
  • The only supported method of creating the Control Message is via the provided MADL commands. It is technically possible to permanently embed a static Personal Data Suitcase within a Message Interaction, or indeed create one within an XSLT interaction. There is no convincing use case that allows us to encourage answerspace builders to do this, however.

You can populate a personal data suitcase from an interaction see Code example section.



active-forms Data Suitcases

The Active Forms List (formerly known as the Pending Queue) is a special-purpose Interaction or view that displays any form records that have not yet been submitted to the server. 

See Active Forms List section for more information.

Stars Data Suitcases


STARS Data Suitcases were designed for BIC2 only are are not longer supported.

They use a combination of a stored XML file and Blink-starrable style sheet 

To create a "Starred" list, article or form, you must add the Blink-starrable style sheet to your interaction. 

This can be achieved by adding it to your code either as part of of some HTML or in the second parameter of your fetch rows command.

The Blink-starrable style sheet allows you to add a link reference of your interaction result to a stored XML document held locally.

When an item is "Starred" a record is entered into the XML document. Besides the primary reference you can also add additional variables for storage and use in your favourites page. This page usually will display all the "Starred" items within the answerspace for easy retrieval and if required "de-Starring".

Sample 1
$t->rows("|<h2><a href=\"/{URL}\" title=\"{TITLE}\">~*<div class=\"field-item odd\">{TEASER}</div>~*<img src=\"{THUMB}\" |U",
"My output and containers built from the body in the code builder....
<span class=\"blink-starrable\"

Blink-starrable style sheet

The Blink-starrable style sheet consists of several parameters.




must stay as "blink-starrable".

 data-type: must stay as "OBJECTITEM".

can be a unique string to identify the type of interaction results. You may have for example "PLACES" for search results scrapped from a travel site and maybe "SITES" from

a scrap of a websites search. This reference is needed when searching stored results in the XML document and acts as the XML entity.


is the reference to interaction or results. This usually is a "Container" {mycontainer} from the rows retrieval. Its a link back to the result normally a url or a title and is the suede primary key.

Important. While urls are great to use, if they contain special characters it may break the starring and cause fault results. I recommend using the results title or name instead.

data-____: can be strings for storing types of field data. You may want to store all the containers scrapped from your rows fetch for later usage even as shown a link to the details interaction in the listing example.

For more information on "Starring" download the Data Suitcases - Step by Step.pdf

mADL Commands.

 These mADL commands can help you setting stars on or off or clearing all starred items in your data suitcase.

There are tree types, "On", "Off", "Clear".

mADL Stars Samples
'startype' => 'session',
'staron' => array(1,2,3,4),
return $t->result;

'startype' => 'session',
'staroff' => array(5,6),
return $t->result;

'startype' => 'session',
'clearstars' => ''
return $t->result;


STARS Data Suitcases were designed for BIC2 only are are not longer supported.



Data Suitcases and mADL

Data Suitcases can be created, modified and deleted using mADL (PHP) Functions. They include



Data Suitcases and Javascript




This global function triggers the process of retrieving all public

Data Suitcases for an answerSpace.

processMoJOs ()

 @returns {jQueryPromise}
To store a data suitcase with Javascript you can useMyAnswers.store.set('mojoXML:my_mojo_name', data);
 @returns {jQueryPromise}