


Pull Requests

blinkm bmp pull

A pull request will download all current interaction files from the BMP database down to your local copy on your computer.

Pull Request Hints

if you are already using version control, then we recommend that you save any local changes and commit or stash them.

if you are already using version control, then you should be able to compare the changes just made by this BMP CLI against the last committed version

 if you have not already committed this downloaded content to your version control system, then we'd recommend doing so now

General Usage Hints

  • we expect that you will need to do this once for each project to bootstrap your local copy of the project files for version control purposes
  • you may also find this useful, in combination with version control, to audit the remote project for unexpected changes

Pull --Prune Requests

blinkm bmp pull --prune

A pull --prune request will download all current interaction files from the BMP database down to your local copy on your computer BUT will delete any files on your local computer which do not exist in the remote configuration.

Edit Project Content

Once a pull request has been completed:

Inside your local project parent directory you will find the following:

File namesDescriptionDownloaded to local files (After Pull)Editable
answerSpace.jsonA File containing most of your answerSpace settingsWhen answerSpace is createdNo
answerSpace.styleSheet.cssA file containing your answerSpace CSSWhen answerSpace contains CSSYes
answerSpace.htmlHead.htmlA file containing your answerSpace html Head code (BIC2)When answerSpace contains htmlHead codeYes
answerSpace.header.htmlA file containing your answerSpace header codeWhen answerSpace contains header codeYes
answerSpace.footer.htmlA file containing your answerSpace footer codeWhen answerSpace contains footer codeYes

Inside your local project interactions directory you will find the following:

File namesDescriptionDownloaded to local files (After Pull)Editable
<interaction name>.jsonA File containing most of your interactions settingsWhen create interaction is used or pulled


<interaction name>.txtA File containing your message interaction codeWhen create interaction  is used or pulledYes
<interaction name>.phpA File containing your madl interaction codeWhen create interaction  is used or pulledYes

Do not change any objects in the answerSpace.json file

Editing Tips

  • you may use tools of your own choosing to edit these project files
  • if you still need a web-based CMS approach to edit your projects, consider using the web-based console that your version control system provides, although our CMS will still be there just in case
  • we recommend versioning test files with your project, so that you have a local pre-release method of validating recent changes

Version Control Hints

  • if your project content includes sensitive material, then be sure to use a *private* version control repository
  • if you are using a version control system, then we suggest
  • treating the version control copy as the canonical / definitive copy, and
  • avoiding modifications directly within the CMS or any avenue that is not this BMP CLI
  • you may find it convenient to version the `.blinkmrc.json` with different scopes to different project branches, although we recommend taking extra care when doing so
  • you may find it useful to configure Continuous Integration, so that each commit automatically triggers your test code (if any)

Next steps: