BMP CLI Deploy

Deploy Requests

blinkm bmp deploy

A deploy request will upload all current interaction files to the BMP database from your local copy on your computer.

Deploy --prune Requests

blinkm bmp deploy --prune

A deploy request will upload all current interaction files to the BMP database from your local copy on your computer, BUT will delete any files on the remote configuration which no longer exist on your local computer.

Deploy Request Hints

  • If you are using a version control system, we'd recommend coordinating with your team to ensure your local master copy contains all desired changes
  • Double-check that you will be deploying to the expected remote project
blinkm bmp scope
  • Double-check that you have authenticated as expected
blinkm bmp whoami
  • we recommend having a nominated release manager (or two, just in case) to discourage unexpected deployments
  • it can be a good idea to rotate this responsibility, but we recommend limiting this responsibility at any one time

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