Lightboxes and other Things
Lightboxes and other Things
There are times where you want to display content in a Lightbox. Information that can be displayed in Lightboxes include such things as detailed information (such as an enlarged graphic or a more detailed description of something) or feedback or confrimation messages. There are good and bad reasons to use a Lightbox pver just using a simple message/mADL Interaction, and this page summarises both:
Using Lightboxes
When to Use a Lightbox
- If your design requires you not to use tables and your user's browser will support jQuery and other HTML 5/CSS features. Most Lightbox scripts float content above the originating page which means you don't have to spend time working out column widths (tables). Remember most Lightbox scripts require some form of jQuery and advanced CSS to work well and look good.
- When you want to focus the user on an important item. Lightboxes allow you to 'dim' the originating page, and concentrate the user's attention on what is being displayed.
- You wish to add additional context to what the user is viewing. The content of the parent window puts the lightbox content in context.
- It can improve flow of information to the user, since your user can view the Lightbox item and quickly return to the originating page.
- A Lightbox has minimal impact on device resources, they usually load quickly and besides, they look good.
When to NOT Use a Lightbox
- If you require input from the user, before they can continue using your Interaction - then a Lightbox merely adds another step.
- If there is a chance that your users may get confused in navigating through your Lightbox. Nothing adds to user frustration then clicking the browser Back Button thinking that they will get back to the originating page, or exit the Lightbox -- only to discover that they've actually navigated away from the entire Interaction instead.
- Do you need to add links to other websites or answerSpaces within this Interaction? If so, then don't use a Lightbox - linking becomes confusing to the user and it is difficult to link directly to Lightbox content.
- If the only reason to use a Lightbox is because it looks cool - then resist temptation and insert your content into an Interaction instead. Remember you cannot link directly to Lightbox content.
- Lightbox content cannot be starred or bookmarked.
If you have decided to use a Lightbox after reading this, then the following pages will show you how to insert Lightbox functionality within your answerSpace.
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