Release Notes - Android App Framework
Release Notes - Android App Framework
[2.0.0] - 2015-11-16 (Requires BIC3 version >= 4.2.4)
- ANDROID-184 # Prevent the splash screen from being dismissed too soon when booting BIC3 answerSpaces
[1.3.0] - 2015-05-04
- ANDROID-180 # Add Cordova NFC plugin (v0.6.2)
- ANDROID-174 # Add JS option for enabling/disabling the crop editor
- ANDROID-173 # Cannot select a rectangular area when cropping an image
- ANDROID-170 # Add the Cordova network-information plugin back in to the project
- ANDROID-169 # Increase the WebSQL db quota in smaller increments
- ANDROID-165 # Support for cropping images taken from the camera or the gallery
- ANDROID-164 # Build time switch to enable/disable SSL pinning
- ANDROID-159 # Completely disable W3C AppCache behaviour
- ANDROID-155 # Fix handling of camera options when selecting images from the gallery.
- ANDROID-160 # Extend FileTransfer plugin to allow saving files to 'Downloads' folder
- Update project to Cordova version 3.6.4
- Update Cordova plugins to their latest upstream versions
- Remove network-information plugin
- Add Cordova App version plugin (https://github.com/whiteoctober/cordova-plugin-app-version)
- Hide the title bar when running as an AppShell and set the default AppShell answerSpace to blinkm.co/support
- Fix JavaScript reference errors in checkBootStatus()
- ANDROID-134 # Fix app shell load time issue when loading BIC3 answerSpaces
- ANDROID-133 # Fix issues in checking answerSpace boot status
- ANDROID-130 # Fix function for closing the childbrowser window
- ANDROID-128 # Show app name instead of activity name in the launcher and recent apps list
- ANDROID-127 # Add applicationId to app shell build script
- ANDROID-124 # Add support for opening tags with target="_blank" in the child browser
- ANDROID-120 # Fix undefined reference in blinkgap_inject.js
- ANDROID-119 # Fix IntentReceiver leak
- ANDROID-114 # Add JS interface for notifying when the answerSpace has finished booting
- ANDROID-110 # Prevent the signature panel from getting launced twice
- ANDROID-73 # Add support for custom URI handlers
- ANDROID-109 #Ignore canvas width and height options when using signature panel
- Updated Google support library, bugsnag and build tools
- Updated default whitelist to include all sub-domains of blinkm.co
- Added d.eu to default domain whitelist
- ANDROID-9 #Fixed OutOfMemoryError on some Samsung devices when annotating images
- Fixed missing import on CameraLauncher
- Fixed a crash when the answerSpace list icons aren't downloaded properly.
- Call destroy and null out the webView to free it up after closing
- Refactored TouchDraw into non-static class
- Fix intent receiver leak in SplashScreen handler
- Start the annotations plugin via the success callback for the camera
- Add support for returning the drawing/annotation as a file url and fix
- Remove unused splashscreen plugin
- ANDROID-67 #resolve Fixed a couple of potential NPEs
- ANDROID-70 #resolve Fixed scaling of Image Annotation bitmap
- Fixed JIRA issue [ANDROID-69]
- ANDROID-63 #resolve Implemented artwork removal as part of the grunt build process.
- Upgrade to bugsnag 1.2.2
- Fixed android build to download artwork
- [ANDROID-1] - As a user I need to be able to select the beep sound on the barcode scanner so that I don't sound like a checkout chick when I'm doing Really Important Business
- [ANDROID-2] - As a user I need to be able to see when the answerSpace bootup or a network operation is taking a long time, possibly due to connectivity, so that I don't get worried and think something is broken.
- [ANDROID-23] - As a user I want to be able to create a native calendar event so that I can get notifications for upcoming events.
- Fix compile error in SplashScreenHandler
- Added version info to about activity.
- Fix package name for UndoBar
- Keep displaying the notification until the WebView has timed out.
- Display a notification if a network dropout occurs during answerSpace bootup
- Refactor splash screen handling & add reload action to timeout notification
- Add NineOldAndroids as a dependency
- Add UndoBar sources and assets to project
- Update to Android Studio 0.4.4
- Add unit test for Calendar plugin
- Add Corodva/PhoneGap plugin for creating calendar events.
- Play the sound given in Settings after successfully scanning a barcode
- Read preferred beep sound name from settings.xml
- Add sound resources for the barcode scanner
- Update cordova plugins to their latest versions
- Added default whiteList
- Merged configs and made it so there's just one of them.
- Merged Cordova 3.3.0
- Fetch the answerSpace domain whitelist using the new style GetConfig XHR
- Added Airship Config injection to Gruntfile
- Download and display PDF files
- Update to version 0.3.0 of the Cordova InAppBrowser plugin
- TestFlight variable fixup.
- Added testflight upload.
- Ensured build script actually increments version
- Fix bug in gradle build script for MasterApp
- Stop waiting for the BootStatus javascript interface after 2 minutes
- Add answerSpace whitelist entries to cordova Config and make the
- Added automatic tag message to git flow finish
- Added release automation script
- Added release notes for previous versions
- Added release signing config to MasterApp build
- Fixed a bug that was causing AppShells to crash
- Share cookies between interceptor and web view
- Fixed layout on splash screen
- Update build tools to 19 0 1
- Add Urban Airship phonegap plugin
- Move Urban Airship library and source files to CommonLib
- Added blink artwork to icons and changed to 9-patches for splash screens
- Make sure icons are of the same size and set a white background as the default icon
- Display answerSpace icons in the AnswerSpaceListActivity
- Fixed typo on keystore location
- Added potential list of resources
- Added shims for appshell classes that need to be in same package name
- Added gruntfile and release signing stuff
- Fixed performance issues, added splash screen.
- Updated TestFlight SDK
- General Performance Improvements
- Performance and reliability improvements.
- Updated to Cordova 3.2.0.
- Initial splash screen support.
- Added ChildBrowser OpenExternal option
- Fixed crash on login for 4.1.x devices
- Alpha version for testing device compatibility.
- Added TestFlight SDK and some checkpoints
- First published release.
, multiple selections available,