Step 2 (Create Fields)

Step 2 (Create Fields)

This step is where you create your fields for your form. Make sure you keep in mind the Design Considerations discussed earlier.

After clicking 'Next Step' in Step 1, this screen will appear:

You can:

  • Create from number of fields

Choose this option and enter in the number of fields that you wish to add. Click ‘Import Fields’. Then type in each field name.

  • Create from text area                   

Enter the names of the fields separated by lines, commas or another delimiter. Click ‘Import Fields’.

  • Import by CSV file

Select an existing CSV file to create the desired fields. Click ‘Import Fields’.

Do not use any spaces or special characters when naming your Fields, or you will receive an error message.

Based on the previous example, after clicking 'Import Fields', this appears:

Click the 'Remove' link to delete the field.

Click 'Next Step' to configure these fields.