Category Settings

Category Settings

This area allows you to set specific Category defaults that will override any settings made at the Master Category or answerSpace level, and be applied to any Interactions that they may contain (unless overridden at the Category level).

The following options can be set in this window.

Note:      All options set here will affect the equivalent options set at the Interaction levels, unless the ‘Inherit’ option has been specifically turned off at that level.



These options govern the way the Category is set up and arranged.



The internal name for the answerSpace.

A unique name to use for references (links, etc). 

Starting with a letter, use only use letters, numbers, and underscores (_).


Display Name

The name displayed in the Title Bar when the window is opened.

The caption or title to display to users.

Any combination of characters is allowed. Title may be concatenated on multi tab browsers.


Brief description of the purpose of this item.


Value to use when sorting this item in a list.

Value can be of a positive or negative number.



Enable or disable access to this item.

Inactive items are hidden and treated as though they do not exist.


Show or hide this item

 Hidden items are not displayed in lists but are otherwise still accessible.


Help Message

Here you can add a message to display when help button is pressed.


Look & Feel

 These options control how the Category looks and behaves. Use CSS when prompted without tags.



 This is the Image used to represent the Category in the answerSpace.


Logo Banner

 When the Category is displayed, this is the banner shown in the Header.


Odd Row Style

 If there is more than one Interaction contained within the Category, then this controls how odd rows (the first, third, fifth etc.) are displayed, provided the contained Interactions have been set up to be displayed in List View. (See “AnswerSpace Setup” for more details).

 Exceptions to this are margin and padding css.


Even Row Style

 See above.


Background Style

 Will affect the background colour of the box within the answerSpace upon which the Interactions are displayed - NOT the background colour of the Category Page. This can be overridden at a lower level, provided ‘Inherit’ has not been turned on. (See “Styling Your answerSpace” for more details).


Interface Style

 Affects the background of the Category Screen.


Input Prompt Style

 Any input prompts can be styled here.


Interaction Behaviour

 This set of options control how Interactions behave within the contained Category.


Input Display

 Screen or List



 Leave as Screen



 Only used when Interactions are displayed as Icons.





Header, Footer & Sidebar

 These options help you style the Header and Footer


Header Style




 A message or image/Link can be put in here (use CSS for the latter).


Footer Style




 Only use these options if the answerSpace will be used by non-English speakers. If in doubt, leave this at the default.


Content Language

 Should be left at the default ‘en’ (English) unless this answerSpace will be used by non-English speakers. Make sure the code you enter is correct.


Character Encoding

 Leave at default.



 This set of options are used when you require users to login to the answerSpace. See “Custom User Logins” before changing any of these options.


Disabled Message

 Type in a custom message to use when a user accesses an item that you have disabled, or leave at the default.


Registered Only

 Define whether this Category (and everything it contains) can only be accessed by registered users. See “Custom User Logins” .


Registered Only Message

 Define whether this Category (and everything it contains) can only be accessed by registered users. See “Custom User Logins” .


User Groups

 Choose which User Groups can access this Category and everything it contains.



 This is where you will input most of the Styling options discussed in “Styling Your answerSpace”.


Style Sheet

 You can build a complete CSS style sheet and put it in here. Use the ‘Inspect’ option in your development Browser to identify which elements you wish to style. Many options that you cannot style through the Admin tools discussed above can be directly styled here. See Styling for more information.


Native Application

Camera Options