The Interaction Manager

The Interaction Manager

he Interaction Manager is the heart of the BlinkMobile Platform. 

The Interaction Manager is the administration interface for answerSpaces. All of the configuration of answerSpaces is performed in it and Interactions are programmed in it.

Once you have logged in, you will be presented with a list of existing Interactions. If there are no Interactions yet built in the answerSpace, you will see this:

Creating an Interaction

At the bottom of the Interaction list (if there is one), click on the ‘Add’ link.

The Add Interaction pane will appear:

Give your Interaction a unique name. This name is used by the BlinkMobile Platform to identify the Interaction when linking to it or performing other actions.

Enter in an display Order number. This number will be used to define where in a list of Interactions, this Interaction will appear.

Define the Status of the Interaction - will it be Active or InActive (not working)?

If you have restrictions on who will see what in your answerSpace, choose whether you wish those restrictions to be applied. Most Interactions will be governed at the answerSpace level, so it is usual to set this to the value of ‘No'.

Click ‘Save’.

You have added an Interaction and the Interaction Pane will be displayed.

Here you will be able to complete the process and set up your interaction's settings.

For a full list of interaction settings click here