

There are several ways to incorporate barcode / QR codes into the BMP via Blink's native app shells.

This can be done by calling the cordova plugin (barcodereader)

BlinkForm Example

 * Custom code for reading Barcodes into a form field (native apps only).

 * To be added as manual calculation code for Calculation fields.


 * NB: Javascript line comments should *NOT* be used in custom code added to forms.


function() {

    var barcodereader = window.cordova.require(


        bfo = this;


     * Function to be called after successfully reading a barcode.


    var onSuccess = function(message) {

        bfo.setFieldValue("BarcodeValue", message);

        /* Please replace 'BarcodeValue' with the name of the target field

           in the form. */

        bfo.setFieldValue("readBarcode", "");

        /* Please replace 'readBarCode' with the name of the Calculation

           field where the custom code will be inserted. */




     * Function to be called after an error.


    var onError = function(message) {




    barcodereader.getBarcode(onSuccess, onError, []);

    return 'Scanning...';


Interaction Example
$html = '


function formatAMPM(date) {

  var elem = document.getElementById("para1");

  var hours = date.getHours();

  var minutes = date.getMinutes();

  var ampm = hours >= 12 ? \'pm\' : \'am\';

  hours = hours % 12;

  hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour \'0\' should be \'12\'

  minutes = minutes < 10 ? \'0\'+minutes : minutes;

  var strTime = hours + \':\' + minutes + \'\' + ampm;

  return strTime;


var thisTimeIn = formatAMPM(new Date());




$("#testPushLink").click(function() {

var message = "123456";

var thisTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();

$.post("//d.blinkm.co/_api/interaction/run/blinkscan/sendPush?t=" + thisTimeStamp, 

{ barcode : message },

function(data) {




//data is the reply form the interaction





$("#ScanBarCode").click(function() {

    var barcodereader = window.cordova.require(


        bfo = this;


     * Function to be called after successfully reading a barcode.


  var onSuccess = function(message) {



if (message !== null && message !== "") {




//$("div#scanningResults").html("<h3 style=\"margin-left:0px;\" >Sending Push notification in 5 seconds</h3>Close your app now to view notification<br /><br />");

$("div#scanningResults").html("<h3 style=\"margin-left:0px;\" >Authenticating...</h3><br /><br />");


//Passing timestamp as URL param to get around ajax caching

var thisTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();


$.post("//d.blinkm.co/_api/interaction/run/blinkscan/sendPush?t=" + thisTimeStamp,

{ barcode : message },

function(data) {


$("div#scanningResults").html("<h3>Login Complete</h3><span class=\"subHeading\">Employee ID:</span>  " + message + "<br /><br /><span class=\"subHeading\">Name:</span> David Hasselhoff<br /><span class=\"subHeading\">Position:</span> Lifeguard<br /><span class=\"subHeading\">Tower:</span> Centre Beach<br /><span class=\"subHeading\">Time In:</span> " + thisTimeIn + "<br /><br /><br />You have successfully signed in, and your manager has been notified.<br /><br />");



//data is the reply form the interaction


} //end of message check



     * Function to be called after an error.


    var onError = function(message) {




    barcodereader.getBarcode(onSuccess, onError, []);

		//return "Scanning...";



$html .= '<div style="text-align:right; display:block; height:140px;"><input type="button" class="scanButton" style="float:right; display:inline-block;" value="" id="ScanBarCode">


<br />

<h2 id="testPushLink">Lifeguard Timesheet:</h2>

<div id="scanningResults" class="scanResultsDisplay">Please clock-in by scanning the QR Code on your tower</div>

<br /><br />


return $html;