

Finding Your Current Location

Finf Location Example
$answerSpace = 'support'; // the answerSpace you are in

$interaction = 'gps'; // the interaction you are editing NOTE: no spaces allowed!


	// you get in here after a successful GeoLocation read 

	//$t->setSessionValue('rawLocation', $_POST); // save raw location
	// use Google Reverse Geocoding

	$latitude = $_POST['coords']['latitude'];

	$longitude = $_POST['coords']['longitude'];

	$t->fetch('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=' . $latitude . ',' . $longitude . '&sensor=false');

//	$t->setSessionValue('locationParts', $t->result); // save location parts

	$address_parts = json_decode($t->result);

	$street_address = $address_parts->results[0]->formatted_address;
	return 'Your location is ' . $street_address . '  with Latitude =  '.$latitude .' and Longitude =  '.$longitude;
	$theorigin = $longitude. " ' ". $longitude;


$val = $t->getSessionValue('gps');
$temp = <<<ABC

<script type="text/javascript">

(function(window, undefined) {

var $ = window.jQuery,

  navigator = window.navigator,


  options = {

    enableHighAccuracy: true,

    timeout: 10 * 1000, // take no longer than 10 seconds

    maximumAge: 30 * 1000 // accept locations that are 30 seconds old


function onSuccess(position) {

 var location;

	var coords;

	if (position.coords) {

		coords = {

   	latitude: position.coords.latitude,

		  longitude: position.coords.longitude,

 	  altitude: position.coords.altitude,

   	accuracy: position.coords.accuracy,

	   	altitudeAccuracy: position.coords.altitudeAccuracy,

 		heading: position.coords.heading,

   	speed: position.coords.speed


		location = {coords: coords};

		$.post('/_api/interaction/run/$answerSpace/$interaction', location).always(function(data, status, jqxhr) {

 		if (jqxhr.status === 0 || jqxhr.status === 200 || jqxhr.status === 304) {


		  } else {

				$("#geolocationoutput").html('Error: could not process GeoLocation (' + status + ', ' + jqxhr.status + ').');





function onError(error) {

  // do something, Google or see documentation for examples

  $("#geolocationoutput").html('GeoLocation failed.');


if (typeof $ !== 'undefined' && $.type(navigator) === 'object') {

  geolocation = navigator.geolocation;

  if ($.type(geolocation) === 'object') {

    // waiting before doing location stuff, just in case

    setTimeout(function() {

      geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError, options);

    }, 1000);


  else {

    alert('This content requires features that are not available on your device or browser.');



else {

  alert('This content requires features that are not available on your device or browser.');




<div id='geolocationoutput'>Acquiring GeoLocation...</div>

<noscript><p>This content requires JavaScript to be enabled.</p></noscript>


return $temp;

if($args[0]=='1') {

$mapOptions = Array(

   'origin' => $theorigin,

   'destination' => '1 Eastern Avenue, Bilinga QLD 4225',

   'sensor' => ($args[0]=='1'?true:false)


$t->map('directions', $mapOptions);

$t->prepend('<h2>Directions to Coolangatta Airport</h2><h4>From: ' . ($args[0]=='1'?'Your current location':$args[0]) . '</h4><br>');

return $t->result ;

} else {

// use location from selection

$mapOptions = Array(

   'origin' => $args[0],

   'destination' => '1 Eastern Avenue, Bilinga QLD 4225',

   'sensor' => ($args[0]!='1'?true:false)


$t->map('directions', $mapOptions);

$t->prepend('<h2>Directions to Coolangatta Airport</h2><h4>From: ' . ($args[0]=='1'?'Your current location':$args[0]) . '</h4><br>');

return $t->result ;
