NFC (Near Field Communications)
NFC (Near Field Communications)
Ray Pearce (Unlicensed)
Owned by Ray Pearce (Unlicensed)
There are several ways to incorporate NFC into the BMP via Blink's native app shells.
This can be done by calling the cordova plugin (barcodereader)
Message Interaction Example Expand source
<p id="message" style="max-width:100%;word-wrap:break-word">To scan an NFC tag, tap the back of your device against it.</p> <script type="text/javascript"> /*eslint-env browser*/ /*eslint-disable no-console*/ /*global nfc, $, htmlspecialchars*/ // https://github.com/chariotsolutions/phonegap-nfc/blob/0.6.2/README.md document.addEventListener("deviceReady", function () { "use strict"; var onTagDiscovered = function (nfcEvent) { var tagData = JSON.stringify(nfcEvent.tag); console.log("Found NFC tag: " + tagData); $("#message")[0].innerHTML = "Generic tag: <br />" + htmlspecialchars(tagData); }; var onNdefFormatableDiscovered = function (nfcEvent) { var tagData = JSON.stringify(nfcEvent.tag); console.log("Found NFC NDef formatable tag: " + tagData); $("#message")[0].innerHTML = "NDef formattable tag: <br />" + htmlspecialchars(tagData); }; var onNdefDiscovered = function (nfcEvent) { var ndefData = JSON.stringify(nfcEvent.tag.ndefMessage); console.log("Found NFC NDef tag: " + ndefData); $("#message")[0].innerHTML = "NDef tag: <br />" + htmlspecialchars(ndefData); }; var onMimeTypeTagDiscovered = function (nfcEvent) { var ndefData = JSON.stringify(nfcEvent.tag.ndefMessage); console.log("Found NFC NDef tag: " + ndefData); $("#message")[0].innerHTML = "NDef tag: <br />" + htmlspecialchars(ndefData); }; var fail = function (error) { console.log("Failed to attach NFC event handler: " + error); }; var attachNfcEventHandlers = function () { if (typeof nfc === "object") { if (typeof nfc.addTagDiscoveredListener === "function") { nfc.addTagDiscoveredListener(onTagDiscovered, null, fail); } if (typeof nfc.addNdefFormatableListener === "function") { nfc.addNdefFormatableListener(onNdefFormatableDiscovered, null, fail); } if (typeof nfc.addNdefListener === "function") { nfc.addNdefListener(onNdefDiscovered, null, fail); } if (typeof nfc.addMimeTypeListener === "function") { nfc.addMimeTypeListener("text/json", onMimeTypeTagDiscovered, null, fail); } } else { window.setTimeout(function () { attachNfcEventHandlers(); }, 1000); } }; attachNfcEventHandlers(); }); </script>
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