Google Map With Search

Google Map With Search

$t->map("drawMapFromAddress", $mapOptions);


An array of options including the following settings.
addressA string : containing the location's address.

An integer : from 1 to 20, the higher the number the map is more zoomed in. If Blank the default is 16.


A string : containing the type of map to display, options include

  • roadmap . If Blank this is the default.
  • satellite
  • terrain
  • hybrid
markerBoolean : to display a marker at the map location. If Blank the default is true.
marker coloursA comma delimited string : to set marker colours. If Blank the default is FFFFFF,FF0000,000000.

Boolean : fire up GPS and show user's current location. If Blank the default is false.

Example Code
// Place this code in the Input Prompt of your madl interaction.



 <prefix>Enter Suburb and state</prefix>



// Place this code in the madl code of your madl interaction.

$mapOptions = array(

"address" => $args[0], // any string you would type into Google Maps search

"zoom" => 16, // number from 1 to 20, higher is more zoomed in (optional)

"type" => "roadmap", // or satellite, terrain or hybrid (default, optional)

"marker" => true, // show marker at location (default, optional)

"markerColors" => 'FF00', // RGB color (default, optional)

"sensor" => false, // fire up GPS and show user's current location (default, optional)


$t->map("drawMapFromAddress", $mapOptions);

$t->prepend('<h3>Map Search</h3><p><b>Result for:</b> ' . $args[0] . '</p>');
return $t->result;