BICv2 (The Built in platform version)

BICv2 (The Built in platform version)

Build Status

Selenium Test Status


This project is the front-end component for our mobility platform. As such, the material here may be of limited use outside of our platform.

Opening this code serves primarily to encourage understanding and discussion.

An effort is underway to replace this project with a greater focus on maintainability and extensibility.

Version Numbers

This project is NOT versioned according to Semantic Versioning. Rather, it is versioned according to our Shifted Semantic Versioning.


This is a very old (and formally private) project, with roots traced back to 2009. The code base was originally built using Apple's Dashcode environment. The Apple-specific code was later exchanged for jQuery to better support Android devices.

Whilst modern functionality is being delivered in a production capacity by this code, the design of the code itself is understandably a little less modern. Bear in mind that we've learned many lessons over the lifetime of this project, and plan to do things differently with its replacement.


Pull requests are welcome. But first, familiarise yourself with our guidelines (they are short):


You will need Compass for CSS pre-processing, which means you'll need Ruby.

You'll also need Grunt for task automation, which means you'll need Node.JS.

Third-party run-time dependencies are configured via Bower.


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