Images Sizes and Forms

Images Sizes and Forms

Image Field Types

The following field types are decoded and encoded in Base64 format into forms and some maximum do apply.

When designing forms which require a number of camera images remember

Due to a database size restriction only a total of 8 of the above fields can be used on a single form.

If you require more than 8 you should add them in individual records within an attached subform.

Camera file sizes vary based on device.

When designing forms which require a large number of images you should remember that with more modern devices the image sizes can be completely different.

Issue arriving from large image submissions include

Below is a table of devices and the size of a single image. In this case the answerSpace's "Native Application" settings were set at default levels

  • Native Application => Capture Quality = 60
  • Native Application => Capture Scale = 100
  • Native Application => Target Width = N/A
  • Native Application => Target Height = N/A
  • Native Application => AllowEdit = N/A
  • Native Application =>SavetoPhotoAlum = N/A






ModelFile widthFile heightFile sizeFile sizeFile widthFile height
iphone 6+24483264639kb1.6mb24483264
ipad mini19362592727kb1.7mb19362592
Nexus 7280373113kb5kb96128
Nexus 5378503142kb9kb96128
Samsung S324483264520kb1.9mb24483264
Samsung S5531229881.1mb3kb96128


Scaling Multiple Images in Large Forms