BIC-jQM: Pending Queue Process

BIC-jQM: Pending Queue Process

  1. the user clicks the submit button

  2. the click-handler for the submit button is the formSubmit() method of the FormControlView

  3. formSubmit() calls the addToQueue(status) method, with a status of "Pending" which declares that the form record is ready for submission

    • any other status (e.g. "Draft") saves the form record locally and does not trigger network submission

  4. addToQueue() retrieves the data from the current form record and stores it along with some form metadata to the BMP.BIC.pending Backbone Collection

  5. addToQueue() calls BMP.BIC.pending.processQueue() and then navigates away from the form interaction, allowing the submission to complete in the background

  6. the PendingCollection's processQueue() method identifies all pending items with a "Pending" status and attempts to submit them via the network

  7. event handlers created in addToQueue() display the successful submission pop-up